Monday, August 3, 2009


Sorry for the wait Ladies and Gents,

Yesterday we woke up bright and early thanks to a rooster and car horns…SCORE! The devotionals were about the names of God, and reminded us of how awesome God truly is. Looking out at the mountains surrounding Quito exemplified the truth of Psalm 8. After our debriefing about the culture of Ecuador, we left to see the sights of Quito. Our first stop was the statue of the Virgin Mary. From this spot, we could see the panorama of the capital city. We then traveled to a mall with a grungy exterior but quite nifty interior, where we ate lunch in the food court. We left from there to head to Otavalo and found creative ways to amuse ourselves on the bus ride over. This included hanging our heads out the windows, playing cards, and an intense game of “I Spy.” As always, the scenery in Ecuador was stupendous. Upon our arrival at the house, the returnees became reacquainted with the people, animals, and surroundings, while the newbies experienced the sights and sounds of Otavalo. After settling in, we jugared some fútbol and enjoyed some scrumptious pollo (chicken for you Gringos). P.S. It is okay to say Gringo in Ecuador. After devouring the meal, we gathered to worship the Lord, by singing and reading the Word. This was asombroso. It is a blessing to be able to gather to worship our King every night here, instead of once or twice a week. We broke off into small groups, then grabbed some sack time.

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