Friday, August 7, 2009

Tuesday 8-4-09

Hello to our home team,

Yesterday morning was a typical affair, in which we did our devotions, we ate, and we were ready by 8:30. As we were going up the hill, many children were eagerly awaiting at the summit of the mountain. VBS was quite entertaining, gallivanting around with the children, playing pato pato ganzo, and soccer. It is a privilege to be able to spend time with such innocent, loving children. The morning construction crew helped out by making more concrete for the floor of the community house. (Mixing concrete involves getting wheelbarrows of rock, wheelbarrows of sand, and a 120 pound bag of concrete all turned together with a good sampling of water. This is mixed together with shovels, pickaxes, and grubhoes.) During lunch hour, some of us hiked in the mountains. We saw some waterfalls, some rivers, and some sweet cliffs. Afternoon VBS went as well as the day before, and it was encouraging to see that the kids really understood, and really listened to the Bible lesson. We taught them how to play frisbee and elbow tag. The construction crew in the afternoon was amazed to see how great community participation is. Kyle, Gordo, and I (Sarah) felt awful as we watched the Quechua women who had just gotten off work completely take over the concrete making process, and refuse our help. It was a real lesson in humility for us as we examined our hearts to see our motives for serving the San Luis de Pigulca community. After we left the village, we had a reunion with our friends for the past two years. It was great to see the youth group from the Otavalo church. We had a pizza party with them, and afterwards we played soccer and had another jam session at the pavilion. I (Sarah) enjoyed seeing my friend Diana again, and was just as thrilled to practice my Spanish on her, as she was to practice her English on me. I (Matt) really enjoyed seeing Esteban and the other kids, and seeing how much they have grown up. They left with promises of seeing us in the morning.

Matt Heiser y Sarah Henderson