Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, Day 4

Well alright, it’s time to start blogging again…

Before the crack of dawn, a group of us decided to spend our morning in the outdoors admiring His creation. We enjoyed seeing the Ecuadorian countryside unfold as the sun came over the Andes. We reached a spot ideal for digging into the Word and speaking with God, where we spent some time alone meditating and reading the Scriptures, then we gathered to pray for the day and the first day of VBS. Again we dug into the delicious food prepared for us by Suzy. We headed up to San Luis de Pegulca and hung out with the children before we began the younger contingent of VBS. The head-count was around fifty, which truly is a blessing coming from a community without many believers. They really loved on us and showed us a glimpse of what God’s body should be like, even though they weren’t believers. Peter shared that he enjoyed how much the kids were eager beavers and really liked being there with us. Half of the Horizon crew helped the Ecuadorians prepare for the completion of the community house. In the afternoon, some people switched and led the older VBS while some mixed concrete by hand…fun. The thing that really stood out to us was the fantastic way in which we worked as a team, whether we were playing with kids, mixing concrete, or hiking in the morning. Well folks, sounds like we are done here. Peace out.

Matt + Sarah

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